Save time and get more inquiries with a price calculator

9/10 of your website visitors just want to know how much it costs. Give them what they want, get more qualified leads, and close more deals.

rasmus walking

why get a price calculator?

Turn more visitors into leads

A price calculator can increase the number of inquiries by more than 100%. The vast majority just want to know how much your service costs.

Get more out of your advertising dollars

If you advertise on Facebook and Google, you will get more inquiries for the same amount, and therefore use your money much more effectively.

Spend less time on the wrong People

With a price calculator, your visitors answer several different questions, allowing you to filter out the wrong ones and spend more time on the good leads.

Stand out from the competition

If a potential customer is greeted with 2 messages: "Contact us and get a quote" or "Calculate your price now", where do you think they go?